 Fundamentos de Métodos quantitativos, Aplicados em Administracao, Economia, Contabilidade e Atuaria usando Wolfram|Alpha e Scilab, Foundations of Quantitative Methods in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Actuarial Science - using Wolfram|Alpha and Scilab


Publisher: | Saraiva (Brazil) |
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 Pioneer and innovative, "Fundamentos de Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados em Administração, Economia, Contabilidade e Atuária" [Foundations of Quantitative Methods in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Actuarial Science] systematically presents major mathematical methods applied to various social sciences. The mathematical notation is as simple and practical as possible, and the chapters are interconnected in a consistent and standardized sequence in order to increase reading fluency. The solutions to the problems are presented with detail and care, their difficulty progressively growing, all of these to further facilitate the understanding of the subject matter. The new concept that "applied mathematics is free computable mathematics" is emphasized in this book. In other words, any mathematical expression displayed in it is obtained by means of numerical and symbolic calculation programs freely available on the Internet. Taking everything in consideration, you can say that this book is unique in the market, making it highly recommended to anyone in the field, be it specialist or not.

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