 Precalculus, First Edition


Publisher: | Hawkes Learning Systems (SC) |
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 Number Systems and Equations and Inequalities of One Variable | Introduction to Equations and Inequalities of Two Variables | Relations, Functions, and Their Graphs | Polynomial Functions | Exponential and Logarithmic Functions | Trigonometric Functions | Trigonometric Identities and Equations | Additional Topics in Trigonometry | Conic Sections | Systems of Equations | An Introduction to Sequences, Series, Combinatorics, and Probability
 Precalculus, provides a solid foundation of algebraic and trigonometric skills necessary to achieve a mastery of calculus. The text starts with an in-depth review of algebraic skills used throughout precalculus and then eases into exciting new topics necessary to move forward into calculus. This text is presented in a comprehensive and engaging style. Each topic is presented in a rigorous and thorough manner, accompanied by several examples worked out in a step-by-step manner. Detailed work-out notes included in the examples provide further clarification and understanding. Definitions and theorems are clearly identified in yellow boxes throughout the text for easy reference, while common errors are highlighted to warn students against common pitfalls. Each chapter ends with a chapter project which encourages the student to synthesize the important skills from the chapter and apply them to a real world application. Technology, including Mathematica and TI-83 Plus instruction, has been incorporated throughout the text when appropriate.

 Algebraic, Trigonometric, Theorems
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