 Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, sixth edition

Organization: | California State University Fullerton |
Organization: | Westmont College |
Department: | Mathematics & Computer Science Dept. |

Publisher: | Jones & Bartlett Learning (London) |
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 Complex Numbers | Complex Functions | Analytic and Harmonic Functions | Sequences, Julia and Mandelbrot Sets, and Power Series | Elementary Functions | Complex Integration | Taylor and Laurent Series | Residue Theory | z-Transforms and Applications | Conformal Mapping | Applications of Harmonic Functions | Fourier Series and the Laplace Transform
 Intended for the undergraduate student majoring in mathematics, physics or engineering, the Sixth Edition of Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering continues to provide a comprehensive, student-friendly presentation of this interesting area of mathematics. The authors strike a balance between the pure and applied aspects of the subject, and present concepts in a clear writing style that is appropriate for students at the junior/senior level. Through its thorough, accessible presentation and numerous applications, the sixth edition of this classic text allows students to work through even the most difficult proofs with ease. New exercise sets help students test their understanding of the material at hand and assess their progress through the course. Additionally, Mathematica exercises, as well as a student study guide are also available online.

 Harmonic Functions, Mandelbrot Sets, Taylor and Laurent Series
 http://mathfaculty.fullerton.edu/mathews/books/cbook.htm http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781449604455/