 Conquest of the Plane, Using The Economics Pack Applications of Mathematica for a didactic primer on Analytic Geometry and Calculus

Organization: | Thomas Cool Consultancy & Econometrics |

Publisher: | Thomas Colignatus (Scheveningen, The Netherlands) |
|  |  |
 Geometry | Arithmetic and algebra | Co-ordinates | Line | Circle | Vector | X and Y | The Complex Plane | Approximation | Linear Algebra | Polynomial | For e, X and Y | Partial Derivatives | Axioms and Reality | Didactics | The News
 This book is a primer. A primer is not a textbook but this is a primer in textbook format. The first four parts have been written with students in mind. The fifth meta part explains the didactics to teachers and students in didactics of mathematics. Good teachers will enjoy the innovations. As a textbook it gives a fast track introduction for students at advanced high school or the first year of college and university and their parents who want to help with homework. With the software, Mathematica, you will have an interactive environment in which you can test the propositions in this book and your own deductions.

 Polynomial, Vector, Angles, Sorting