 Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons: Theory, Mathematica, Modeling and Applications

Organization: | University of Arizona |
Department: | College of Optical Sciences |

Publisher: | Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) |
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 Introduction | Electromagnetics of Planar Surface Waves | Single-Interface Modes in the Microwave Regime | Single-Interface Lossless Modes in εr'-μr' Parameter Space | Double-Interface Lossless Modes in εr'-μr' Parameter Space | Single-Interface Surface Plasmons | Double-Interface Surface Plasmons in Symmetric Guides | Quasi One-Dimensional Surface Plasmons | Localized Surface Plasmons | Techniques for Exciting Surface Plasmons | Plasmonic Materials | Applications
 Introducing graduate students in physics, optics, materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons, this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index.

 Planar Films, Gratings, Nanowires, Nanoparticles