 Introduction to Scientific Computing: Numerical Analysis With Mathematica, First Edition


Publisher: | China Machine Press |
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 Mathematica as a Numerical Computing Tool | Basic Concepts of Scientific Computing | Solutions to Linear Systems | Function Interpolation | Function Approximation and Fitting | Numerical Calculus | Numerical Solutions to Nonlinear Equations and Systems | Numerical Solutions to Matrix Eigenvalues | Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problem of an Ordinary Differential Equation
 《科学计算引论:基于Mathematica的数值分析》涉及各类数学问题的数值解法和必要的基础理论,内容包括Mathematica软件介绍、数值分 析的基本概念、线性方程组的数值方法、函数的插值、数值逼近、数值微积分、非线性方程求根、矩阵的特征值与特征向量、常微分方程问题的数值计算等.为了使 学生充分了解数值分析方法在科学研究与工程实践中的重要作用,《科学计算引论:基于Mathematica的数值分析》还特别设置了应用实例的章节,旨在 激发学生的学习兴趣。 《科学计算引论:基于Mathematica的数值分析》适合作为高等院校应用数学、信息与计算科学、统计等专业数值分析的教材或教学参考书,也可供科研工作者、相关技术人员参考使用。 This book covers numerical solutions of various types of mathematical problems and their underlying theories, including an introduction to Mathematica and the basic concepts of numerical analysis, numerical methods of linear equations, function interpolation, numerical approximation, numerical calculus, solving nonlinear equations, matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical calculation of ordinary differential equations, and so on. An exclusive chapter of application examples are set up to help readers fully understand the important role of numerical analysis methods in scientific research and engineering practice, and to stimulate students' interest in learning. This book can serve as a tutorial or reference book for teaching numerical analysis in applied mathematics, information and computer science, or statistics at higher-education institutions. It can also be a reference book for researchers and technicians.

 Numerical methods of linear equations, Function interpolation, Numerical approximation, Numerical calculus, Solving nonlinear equations, Matrix eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
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