 A Student's Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics


Publisher: | CRC Press (Boca Raton, FL) |
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 The Study and Practice of Modern Mathematics | How to Learn Mathematics | How to Write Mathematics | How to Research Mathematics | How to Present Mathematics | Looking Ahead: Taking Professional Steps | What is it Like Being a Mathematician? | Guide to Web Resources | A Mathematical Scavenger Hunt | The Tools of Modern Mathematics | Getting Started with LaTeX | Getting Started with PSTricks | getting Started with Beamer | Getting Started with Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima | Getting Started with MATLAB and Octave | Getting Started with R | Getting Started with HTML | Getting Started with Geometer's SketchPad and GeoGebra | Getting Started with PostScript | Getting Started with Computer Programming Languages | Getting Started with Free and Open Source Software | Putting it All Together
 A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics provides an accessible introduction to the world of mathematics. It offers tips on how to study and write mathematics as well as how to use various mathematical tools such as Mathematica. Along with a color insert, the text includes exercises and challenges to stimulate creativity and improve problem solving abilities. Showing how to use technology to understand mathematics, this guide supports students on their way to becoming professional mathematicians. For beginning mathematics students, it helps them study for tests and write papers. As time progresses, the book aids them in performing advanced activities, such as computer programming, typesetting, and research.

 Algorithm, Banach-Tarski paradox, Bioinformatics, Chaos theory, HTML, Linux, Matrix, Maxima, PostScript, Weierstrass approximation theorem
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