 Symmetry and Condensed Matter Physics, A Computational Approach


Publisher: | Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) |
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 Symmetry and Physics | Symmetry and Group Theory | Group Representations: Concepts | Group representations: Formalism and Methodology | Dixon's Method for Computing Group Characters | Group Action and Symmetry Projection Operators | Construction of the Irreducible Representations | Product Groups and Product Representations | Induced Representations | Crystallographic Symmetry and Space-Groups | Space-Groups: Irreps | Time-Reversal Symmetry: Color Groups and the Onsager Relations | Tensors and Tensor Fields | Electronic Properties of Solids | Dynamical Properties of Molecules, Solids, and Surfaces | Experimental Measurements and Selection Rules | Landau's Theory of Phase Transitions | Incommensurate System and Quasi-Crystals
 Unlike existing texts, this book blends for the first time three topics in physics: symmetry, condensed matter physics and computational methods, into one pedagogical textbook. It includes new concepts in mathematical crystallography, experimental methods capitalizing on symmetry aspects, non-conventional applications such as Fourier crystallography, color groups, quasicrystals and incommensurate systems, as well as concepts and techniques behind the Landau theory of phase transitions. Ideal for graduate students in condensed matter physics, materials science, and chemistry. Mathematica concepts and sample programs are presented throughout the book.

 Frobenius, Wannier funcations, Bravais, Brillouin, Electromagnetism, Physics, Condensed matter, Lagrange multipliers, Thermodynamic
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