 Symbolic Computation and Education


Publisher: | World Scientific (Singapore) |
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 The Crisis We Face and How to Try to Deal with It | Mathematics Topics Foundational to Calculus at the Secondary Level | Hand-held Technology in Secondary Mathematics Education | College Algebra Change | Mathematics Experiments--Learning and Investigating Mathematics with the Help of Computers | CreaComp: Experimental Formal Mathematics of the Classroom | Free Software SSP for Teaching Mathematics | Bringing More Intelligence to Dynamic Geometry by Using Symbolic Computation | Combining CAS and DGS--Towards Algorithmic Thinking | Integrating Rule-based and Input-based Approaches for Better Error Diagnosis in Expression Manipulation Tasks | Automated Generation of Readable Proofs for a Class of Limits of Sequences and Functions | Computer Algebra Meets an Ancient Egyptian Problem | Finite Series Expansions for Powers of Sine and Cosine Functions via Mathematica | Solving the Heat and Wave Equations with the (Fast) Discrete Fourier Transform
 With 14 chapters written by leading experts and educators, this book covers a wide range of topics from teaching philosophy and curriculum development to symbolic and algebraic manipulation and automated geometric reasoning, and to the design and implementation of educational software and integrated teaching and learning environments. The book may serve as a useful reference for researchers, educators, and other professionals interested in developing, using, and practicing methodologies and software tools of symbolic computation for education from the secondary to the undergraduate level. Additionally, the book offers a plethora of Mathematica commands and examples.

 Mathematics, Education, Teaching, Dynamic Geometry, Expression Manipulation Tasks, Ancient Egyptian, Sine, Cosine, Heat equations, Wave equations
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