 Introduction to Probability with Mathematica, Second Edition

Organization: | Knox College |

Publisher: | CRC Press (Boca Raton, FL) |
Additional cataloguing information: | From the series Textbooks in Mathematics (Series Editor: Denny Gulick) |
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 Discrete Probability | Discrete Distributions | Continuous Probability | Continuous Distributions | Asymptotic Theory | Stochastic Processes and Applications | Appendices
 Updated for Mathematica 7, Introduction to Probability with Mathematica, Second Edition, continues to show students how to easily create simulations from templates and solve problems using Mathematica. It provides a real understanding of probabilistic modeling and the analysis of data and encourages the application of these ideas to practical problems. After covering topics in discrete probability, the text presents a fairly standard treatment of common discrete distributions. It then transitions to continuous probability and continuous distributions, including normal, bivariate normal, gamma, and chi-square distributions, and goes on to examine the history of probability, the laws of large numbers, and the central limit theorem. The final chapter explores stochastic processes and applications, ideal for students in operations research and finance. An accompanying CD-ROM contains a Mathematica notebook for each text section and offers instructors the option of creating class notes, demonstrations, and projects.

 probability, Markov chains, absorbing chains, order statistics, transformations, multivariate normal random variables, Brownian motion, normal distribution, conditional expectation, financial mathematics, Actuarial Exam P, normal distribution, bivariate normal distribution, sampling, binomial random variables, Chi-Square, Poisson, F-distribution

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