 Mathematica in Action: Problem Solving Through Visualization and Computation, Third Edition

Organization: | Macalester College |

Publisher: | Springer-Verlag |
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 A Brief Introduction | Plotting | Prime Numbers | Rolling Circles | Three-Dimensional Graphs | Dynamic Manipulations | The Cantor Set, Real and Complex | The Quadratic Map | The Recursive Turtle | Parametric Plotting of Surfaces | Penrose Tiles | Complex Dynamics : Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set (by Mark McClure) | Solving Equations | Optimization | Differential Equations | Computational Geometry | Check Digits and the Pentagon | Coloring Planar Maps | New Directions for Pi | The Banach-Tarski Paradox | The Riemann Zeta Function | Miscellany
 This third edition of Mathematica in Action guides beginner and veteran users alike through Mathematica's powerful tools for mathematical exploration. Based on Mathematica 7, the book contains numerous examples and case studies that utilize Mathematica's newest tools, such as dynamic manipulations and adaptive three-dimensional plotting. Whenever possible, the book shows how Mathematica can be used to discover new things. Visualization is emphasized throughout, with finely crafted graphics in each chapter. Written by award-winning author Stan Wagon, Mathematica in Action also emphasizes the breadth of Mathematica and the impressive results of combining techniques from different areas. This material enables the reader to use Mathematica to solve a variety of complex problems of mathematics. All Mathematica code is included on a CD with the book.

 prime number race, initialization group, piecewise linear edges, fern functions, parametric plotting, aperiodic set, pseudoprime test, big tile, rearranged series, code that follows, chaos game, bifurcation plot, surface plotting, color instructions, alternating harmonic series, repelling fixed point, limiting object, compiled function, quadratic map, snowflake curve, attracting fixed point, box ratios, proper coloring, descent time, nontrivial zeros
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