 Differential Evolution: A Handbook for Global Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization

Organization: | Tomas Bata University in Zlin |
Department: | Department of Applied Informatics |

Publisher: | Springer-Verlag (Berlin) |
Additional cataloguing information: | ISBN-10: 3540921508 Vol. 175 of Studies in Computational Intelligence (Editor-in-Chief: Janusz Kacprzyk) |
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 Motivation for Differential Evolution for Permutative-Based Combinatorial Problems | Differential Evolution for Permutation-Based Combinatorial Problems | Forward Backward Transformation | Relative Position Indexing Approach | Smallest Position Value Approach | Discrete/Binary Approach | Discrete Set Handling
 This book is devoted entirely to Differential Evolution (DE) for global permutative-based combinatorial optimization. Since its original development, DE has mainly been applied to solving problems characterized by continuous parameters. This means that only a subset of real-world problems could be solved by the original, classical DE algorithm. Suitable as a resource for both professionals and students, this book presents in detail the various permutative-based combinatorial DE formulations by their initiators, through extensive illustrations and computer code. Supplemental Mathematica source programs can be downloaded from the publisher's website.

 differential evolution, combinatorial problems, forward backward transformation, set partitioning, relative position indexing, discrete set handling, permutative optimization