 Differential Equations with Mathematica, Third Edition

Organization: | University of Maryland |

Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
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 Introduction | Getting Started with Mathematica | Doing Mathematics with Mathematica | Using Mathematica Notebooks | Solutions of Differential Equations | A Qualitative Approach to Differential Equations | Numerical Methods | Features of Mathematica | Solving and Analyzing Second Order Linear Equations | Series Solutions | Laplace Transforms | Higher Order Equations and Systems of First Order Equations | Qualitative Theory for Systems of Differential Equations
 Designed to supplement most textbooks on ordinary differential equations (ODEs), this book has been updated for Mathematica 6. It focuses on the features of Mathematica that are useful for analyzing differential equations to deepen the reader's understanding. This book shifts the emphasis in the traditional ODE course by using a mathematical software system to introduce numerical methods, geometric interpretation, symbolic computation, and qualitative analysis into the course in a basic way, with the goal of preparing students for future mathematics, engineering, or science courses.

 differential equations, Airy, Adams Methods, Bessel's equation, Gompertz model, general solution, explicit solution, initial value problem, Laplace transform, phase portrait, singularity, Sturm Comparison Theorem, vector field, Wronskian

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