 Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics


Publisher: | Springer (Northridge, CA) |
Additional cataloguing information: | ISBN-13: 978-0-387-24196-8 |
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 Basic Theory | Linear Interpolation | Polynomial Interpolation | Hermite Interpolation | Spline Interpolation | Bèzier Approximation | B-Spline Approximation | Subdivision Methods | Sweep Surfaces | Appendix A: Conic Sections | Appendix B: Approximate Circles | Appendix C: Graphics Gallery | Appendix D: Mathematica Notes | Answers to Exercises
 This book examines a wide array of current computer-graphics methods. Aimed at readers familiar with computer graphics and looking for a mathematically easy presentation of geometric modeling, it may be used in a classroom setting or as a general reference. The practical text uses Mathematica throughout. It includes many examples, exercises, and answers. It requires mathematical background including polynomials, matrices, vector operations, and elementary calculus, but no previous knowledge of curves, splines, or surfaces.

 geometric modeling, geometric surfaces, curves, computer graphics, linear interpolation, approximation, polynomial interpolation, polynomial surfaces, segmenting, Hermite, Hermite interpolation, parametric curves, Coons surfaces, splines, B-splines, Bezier, Bezier curve, NURBS, loop surfaces, sweep surfaces, conic sections, Ferguson surfaces, Catmull, Kochanek-Bartels, Chaikin's method, Doo Sabin, Casteljau
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