 CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Second Edition


Publisher: | CRC Press (Boca Raton, FL) |
Additional cataloguing information: | ISBN-13: 978-1-58488-599-3 |
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 Introduction | Algebraic Curves | Transcendental Functions | Polynomial Sets | Special Functions in Mathematical Physics | Green's Functions and Harmonic Functions | Special Functions in Probability and Statistics | Nondifferentiable and Discontinuous Functions | Random Processes | Polygons | Three-Dimensional Curves | Algebraic Surfaces | Transcendental Surfaces | Complex Variable Surfaces | Minimal Surfaces | Regular and Semi-Regular Solids with Edges | Irregular and Miscellaneous Solids
 This book provides a comprehensive collection of nearly 1,000 illustrations of curves and surfaces often used or encountered in mathematics, science, and engineering fields. The accompanying CD-ROM includes Mathematica notebooks of code to construct plots of all the functions presented in the book. Incorporating more complex curves and surfaces as well as formerly prohibitive graphical plots, this edition includes many chapter reorganizations and better graphical representations while keeping its easy-to-use format.

 properties of curves, properties of surfaces, classifcation of curves, classification of surfaces, algebraic curves, transcendental functions, hyperbolic functions, inverse hyperbolic functions, orthogonal polynomials, nonorthogonal polynomials, Legendre polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials, Laguerre polynomials, Hermite polynomials, Gegenbauer polynomials, Jacobi polynomials, Bernoulli polynomials, Euler polynomials, Neumann polynomials, Schlafli polynomials, Fresnel integrals, Legendre functions, Bessel functions, Kelvin functions, Airy functions, Riemann functions, Green's functions, harmonic functions, random processes, Poisson processes, polygons, polyiamonds, polyominoes, polyhexes, helical curves, knots, platonic solids, archimedean solids, star polyhedra, irregular polyhedra, algebraic surfaces, transcendental surfaces

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