 Sculptured Thin Films: Nanoengineered Morphology and Optics

Organization: | Pennsylvania State University |
Department: | Engineering Science and Mechanics |
Organization: | Pennsylvania State University |
Department: | Engineering Science and Mechanics |

Publisher: | SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering (Bellingham, Washington) |
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 List of Acronyms | List of Principal Symbols and Operators | Overview | History of Thin-Film Morphology | PVD Methods for STFs | Engineering of Thin-Film Morphology | Speculations on STF Morphology | Macroscopic Electromagnetism | Optics of CTFs | Optics of Sculptured Nematic Thin Films | Optics of Chiral STFs | Optical Applications of Chiral STFs | Appendix: Dyads and Dyadics
 This introductory text lays the foundation for understanding thin-film morphology and the response characteristics of optical sculptured thin film (STF) devices, enabling scientists and technologists to design and engineer STF materials and devices. The accompanying CD contains Mathematica programs designed for use with the book. Optics graduate students and practicing optical engineers will find this text of great value. Expert researchers may find it useful in extending the STF concept and applications. Further, the book is accessible to anyone interested in emerging optical nanotechnologies who has an undergraduate-level knowledge of optics, electromagnetism, and mathematics.

 sculptured thin films, nanoengineered moprphology, optics, nanoengineering, columnar films, growth mechanics, CTF, dielectric continuums, nematic morphology, chiral STF, time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, linear constitutive relations, structure-property relationships, PVD methods, bombardment-enhanced evaporation, SZM, ballistic aggregation models, molecular dynamics models, atomic-level self-shadowing, matrizant, piecewise uniform approximation technique, rugate filters, Oseen transformation, Bragg phenomenons, circular Borrman effect, dichroisms, pulse bleeding, Solc filters
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