 Simulating Electrochemical Reactions with Mathematica

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |

Publisher: | IBNH (Queensland, Australia) |
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 Solving Partial Differential Equations | Finite Difference Methods | Increasing the Speed and Accuracy of Computations | Other Numerical Methods | Potential Sweep Methods 1: Reversible Reactions | Potential Sweep Methods 2: Non-reversible Reactions | AC Voltammetry | Potential Steps and Potential Pulses | Chronopotentiometry | Electrochemistry of Thin Layers and Thin Films | Electrochemistry of Strongly Adsorbed Molecules | Monte Carlo Simulations | Coupled Chemical Reactions | Rotating Disk Electrode Voltammetry | Finite Difference Simulations using Sparse Arrays | Processing Experimental Data | Appendix 1. Taylor Series Expansions | Appendix 2. Semiintegration and Fractional Calculus
 Aimed at electrochemical researchers, graduate students, and anyone else who understands or is studying electrochemical fundamentals, this book explains how to use Mathematica to simulate electrochemical problems and obtain analytical solutions. The accompanying CD-ROM contains an electronic version of the book in Mathematica notebook format with many additional related notebooks, as well as an extra chapter of Mathematica exercises, tips, and notes.

 PDE, differential equation, boundary conditions, explicit finite difference methods, implicit finitie difference methods, Crank-Nicolson method, higher order approximations, Thomas algorithm, irreversible reactions, Volterra equation, voltammetry, chronoamperometry, staircase voltammetry, normal pulse voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, electrochemistry, thin films, potential step methods, constant current methods, potential sweep methods, Marcus theory, EC reaction, rotating disk electrode voltammetry, expanding space grid, multipoint approximations, semiintegration
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