 A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Organization: | Sandia National Labs |

Publisher: | Chapman & Hall/CRC (Boca Raton, FL) |
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 Introduction and Survey | Computation Examples | Graphics Examples | Ordinary Differential Equations | Transforms | Integration | Special Functions | Appendix 1: Pictionary of 2D Graphics Types | Appendix 2: Pictionary of 3D Graphics Types
 This book offers a simple, non-threatening, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use Mathematica in practice. It gets readers started on performing specific, relatively basic tasks, enabling them to build on the experience and move on to more real-world problems. The guide emphasizes notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing, with information aimed at using Mathematica 5, and the publisher provides downloadable code and full-color illustrations.

 Beginners Guide, Mathematica, example, examples, tutorial, reference, Buffon-Laplace, convective cooling, Ferrers Diagram, Gabriel's Horn, Lotka-Voltera equations, beginning, programming, Gram-Schmidt, Moore-Penrose, computation, graphics, transforms, special functions, integration, differential equations
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