 Applied Laplace Transforms and z-Transforms for Scientists and Engineers: A Computational Approach using a Mathematica Package

Organization: | Berne University of Applied Sciences |
Department: | Biel School of Engineering and Architecture |

Publisher: | Birkhäuser Verlag (Basel, Boston, Berlin) |
|  |  |
 Laplace Transformation | z-Transformation | Laplace Transforms with the Package | z-Transformation with the Package | Applications to Automatic Control | Laplace Transformation: Further Topics | z-Transformation: Further Topics | Examples from Electricity | Examples from Control Engineering | Heat Conduction and Vibration Problems | Further Techniques | Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms | Appendix: Package Commands
 This book presents theory and applications of Laplace and z-transforms together with a Mathematica package developed by the author, which includes algorithms for the numerical inversion of Laplace transforms. This allows the symbolic computation capability of Mathematica to be used in favor of the Laplace and z-transformations, making them more accessible to engineers and scientists. The emphasis is on the computational and applied sides, particularly for control engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanics (heat conduction, diffusion, vibrations). Many worked-out examples from applied sciences and engineering illustrate the theory's applicability and how to use the package.
