 Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations

Organization: | The University of Iowa |
Department: | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |

Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Hoboken, NJ; published simultaneously in Canada) |
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 Finite Element Method: The Big Picture | Mathematical Foundation of the Finite Element Method | One-Dimensional Boundary Value Problem | Trusses, Beams, and Frames | Two-Dimensional Elements | Mapped Elements | Analysis of Elastic Solids | Transient Problems | p-Formulation | Appendix A: Use of Commercial FEA Software | Appendix B: Variational Form for Boundary Value Problems
 Organized for use in a lecture-and-computer-lab format, this hands-on book presents the finite element method (FEM) as a tool to find approximate solutions of differential equations, making it a useful resource for students from a variety of disciplines. The book aims for an appropriate balance among the theory, generality, and practical applications of the FEM. Theoretical details are presented in an informal style appealing to intuition rather than mathematical rigor. To make the concepts clear, all computational details are fully explained and numerous examples are included, showing all calculations. All finite element procedures are implemented in interactive Mathematica notebooks, from which all necessary computations are readily apparent. Supporting materials and notebooks are available at http://www.wiley.com/go/bhatti.

 finite element methods, joints, Galerkin method, Element equations, ABAQUS, ANSYS, Rayleigh-Ritz method