 Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1

Organization: | MathCore Engineering AB |

Publisher: | IEEE Press (New Jersey) |
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 Introduction to Modeling and Simulation | A Quick Tour of Modelica | Classes, Types, and Declarations | Inheritance, Modifications, and Generics | Components, Connectors, and Connections | Literals, Operators, and Expressions | Arrays | Equations | Algorithms and Functions | Packages | Annotations, Units, and Quantities | System Modeling Methodology and Continuous Model Representation | Discrete Event, Hybrid, and Concurrency Modeling | Basic Laws of Nature | Application Examples | Modelica Library Overview | A Mathematical Representation for Modelica Models | Techniques and Research | Environments | Appendix A: Modelica Formal Syntax | Appendix B: Mathematica-Style Modelica Syntax | Appendix C: Solutions to Exercises | Appendix D: Modelica Standard Library | Appendix E: Modelica Scripting Commands | Appendix F: Related Object-Oriented Modeling Languages | Appendix G: A Modelica XML Representation | References | Index
 Designed for students, researchers, and engineers familiar with basic programming concepts, this book gives a basic introduction to the concepts of modeling and simulation, the basics of object-oriented component-based modeling for the novice, and a comprehensive overview of modeling and simulation in a number of application areas. It provides a tutorial and reference for the Modelica 2.1 (including some anticipated extensions) complete with a comprehensive overview of application model libraries from many domains. Executable examples are included from many areas--physics, mechanics, electrical systems, thermodynamics, flow systems, computer science, concurrent and real-time processes, biology, ecology, chemistry, economy, etc. Samples of executable models, teaching material, interactive tutorials, and recent book updates are available at the book's website, http://www.mathcore.com/drmodelica.

 Modeling, simulation, object-oriented
 http://www.mathcore.com/drmodelica http://www.modelica.org
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