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Mathematica by Example, Third Edition

Martha L. Abell
James P. Braselton
Book information

Publisher: Elsevier Academic Press
Copyright year: 2004
ISBN: 0120415631
Medium: Paperback
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 571
Out of print?: N
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Getting Started | Basic Operations on Numbers, Expressions, and Functions | Calculus | Introduction to Lists and Tables | Matrices and Vectors | Differential Equations

This Mathematica reference for beginners is suitable for students, instructors, engineers, business people, and other professionals who are just learning to use Mathematica. The text has been updated to be completely compatible with Mathematica 5.0 and includes new applications from the fields of biology, physics, and engineering. The basic commands as well as commands that are useful in areas such as calculus, linear algebra, business mathematics, ordinary and partial differential equations, and graphics are introduced, and all commands are followed by examples. The accompanying CD-ROM includes the Mathematica input that appears in the book.

*Applied Mathematics > Visualization
*Education > College
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis

Mathematica 5 tutorial, beginner, CD-Rom
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