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Resolving Conflicts with Mathematica: Algorithms for Two-Person Games

Morton John Canty
Book information

Publisher: Academic Press
Copyright year: 2003
ISBN: 0121588556
Medium: Hardcover
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 327
Out of print?: N
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Non-Cooperative Games | Linear Complementarity | Zero-Sum Games | Degenerate Games | Inspection Games | Evolutionary Games | Games in Extensive Form

This revised edition of a popular German textbook provides an accessible introduction to game theory and can be used as a study guide for university students or as a tool for practitioners in game-theoretical modeling. The application of algorithmic game theory to resolve realistic conflict situations is emphasized, and Mathematica is used to obtain both numerical and analytical solutions to game-theoretical models. The accompanying CD-ROM includes notebooks, programs, and exercises with their solutions for each chapter, and topics covered in the text include extensive and normal form games, degeneracy, and equilibrium selection theory.

*Applied Mathematics > Game Theory
*Wolfram Technology

Nash Equilibria, Avis-Fukuda algorithm, Lemke-Howson algorithm, Nash conditions, Bimatrix Games