 Resolving Conflicts with Mathematica: Algorithms for Two-Person Games


Publisher: | Academic Press |
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 Non-Cooperative Games | Linear Complementarity | Zero-Sum Games | Degenerate Games | Inspection Games | Evolutionary Games | Games in Extensive Form
 This revised edition of a popular German textbook provides an accessible introduction to game theory and can be used as a study guide for university students or as a tool for practitioners in game-theoretical modeling. The application of algorithmic game theory to resolve realistic conflict situations is emphasized, and Mathematica is used to obtain both numerical and analytical solutions to game-theoretical models. The accompanying CD-ROM includes notebooks, programs, and exercises with their solutions for each chapter, and topics covered in the text include extensive and normal form games, degeneracy, and equilibrium selection theory.

 Nash Equilibria, Avis-Fukuda algorithm, Lemke-Howson algorithm, Nash conditions, Bimatrix Games
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