 Mathematica for Differential Equations: Projects, Insights, Syntax and Animations


Publisher: | Pearson Prentice Hall |
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 First-Order Differential Equations | Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods | Linear Equations of Higher Order | Introduction to Systems of Differential Equations | Linear Systems of Differential Equations | Nonlinear Systems and Phenomena | Laplace Transform Methods | Power Series Methods | Fourier Series Methods | Eigenvalues and Boundary Value Problems
 This manual draws on the capabilities of Mathematica to enrich the subject of differential equations and boundary value problems and can be used with any introductory differential equations course. The manual includes a wide variety of stand-alone worksheets that lead students into insights that would be difficult to obtain without the computer. No prior knowledge of Mathematica is assumed, but students learn the basics of Mathematica syntax as they gain experience with the assignments.
