 Mathematical Methods Using Mathematica: For Students of Physics and Related Fields


Publisher: | Springer-Verlag |
Includes: | CD-ROM and floppy disk |
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 Mathematica in a Nutshell | Vectors and Matrices in Mathematica | Integration | Infinite Series and Finite Sums | Numerical Solutions of ODEs: Theory | Numerical Solutions of ODEs: Examples Using Mathematica
 A self-contained introduction to the use of computer algebra for undergraduates in the physical sciences or engineering, this book teaches the essentials of Mathematica through examples from undergraduate physics and discusses the theory of numerical integration, discrete differentiation, and the solution of differential equations. The book is intended for use with any standard textbook in mathematical methods for science and engineering. A large number of numerical topics and exercises are presented, and the included CD-ROM contains Mathematica notebooks that illustrate the topics in the text as well as solve problems in mathematical physics.

 education, physics, numerical, integration, discrete differentiation, differential equations