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CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable

Selwyn Hollis
Organization: Armstrong Atlantic State University
Department: Department of Mathematics
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Publisher: Brooks/Cole
Copyright year: 2001
ISBN: 0534379192
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 228
Out of print?: N
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Mathematica Basics / Limits and the Derivative / Applications of the Derivative / Integration / Applications of the Integral / Differential Equations / Sequences and Series / Parametric and Polar Curves / Projects / Appendices / Index

Written for calculus courses using James Stewart's text and requiring only one hour of computer laboratory contact per week. The first part of this manual introduces Mathematica commands and coordinates examples with the Stewart text. The second part contains an introduction to Mathematica programming, troubleshooting tips, and a variety of student projects.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Calculus
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