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Mathematica Exercises in Introductory Physics

Rodney L. Varley
Book information

Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright year: 1996
ISBN: 0132317397
Medium: Paperback
Includes: Floppy disk
Pages: 207
Additional cataloguing information: Both Macintosh and DOS diskettes included
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Book cover image

Introduction to Mathematica | The Slope and Derivative | Motion with a Constant Velocity | Gravitational Fall of a Mass | Projectile Motion | The Effect of Air Resistance | Area and the Integral | Collisions | Motion of a Mass on a Spring: Simple Harmonic Motion | Driven Harmonic Oscillator | The Pendulum | Planetary Motion | Coupled Harmonic Oscillators | Wave Motion | Addition of Waves: Interference | Simulation of an Ideal Gas | Carnot Engine for an Ideal Gas | Potential Lines of Charges | Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric Field | Electrical Circuits and Kirchhoff's Rules | Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields | Resistor and Capacitor Circuits | Inductor, Capacitor, and Resistor Circuits | Diffraction of Waves from Slits

Contains 24 modules on the computational methods used in an introductory physics course. The material is suitable for self-study or as a supplement to lecture classes.

*Science > Physics