Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
Additional cataloguing information: | Paperback supplement: ISBN 0137941730, 153 pages |
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Preface | Kinetics of a Particle | Kinetics of Particles | Work-- Energy and Impulse--Momentum First Integrals of Motion | System of Particles | Kinematics of Rigid Bodies | Dynamics of Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion | Power, Work, Energy, Impulse, and Momentum of a Rigid Body | Three-dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies | Vibration | Appendix A: Mass Moment of Inertia | Appendix B: Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations | Dynamics Index Dictionary | Answers to Odd-numbered problems
An undergraduate textbook in Mechanics which incorporates Mathematica to explore the basis of engineering design. Focuses on understanding mechanics conceptually and the transition from calculations to design concepts. The reader progresses from modeling free-body diagrams through writing the equations of motion and the constraint equations, and finally uses Mathematica to help solve numerical problems and investigate design parameters. Enables reader to solve problems for every angle or dimension.