======================================================================== Mathematica Packages for use with the book "Experiments in Undergraduate Mathematics: A Mathematica-based approach" INFORMATION ON THE LOGGING MECHANISM ======================================================================== (C) Copyright Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, 1996. TURNING THE MECHANISM ON AND OFF -------------------------------- To turn logging on for all modules edit the file StartUp.m at line 82, setting LoggingQ = True. Or to log only with certain modules, add the line LocalLoggingQ = True to the relevant code package (e.g. diffpack.m for Differentiation). To turn logging off, set LoggingQ = False, or LocalLoggingQ = False. HOW IT WORKS ------------ The logging mechanism has been described in detail in the article "Recording and Evaluating Student Interactions with Mathematica", by Phillip Kent, Phil Ramsden, John Wood and Richard Noss, "Mathematica in Education and Research", Volume 5, 1996. Extracts from that article are available: http://metric.ma.ic.ac.uk/book/Logging.html ftp://metric.ma.ic.ac.uk/packages/Logging.tex (LaTeX source) ftp://metric.ma.ic.ac.uk/packages/Logging.txt (plain text) Or, please write/email to us: The METRIC Project Mathematics Department Imperial College London SW7 2BZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)171 594 8503 Fax: +44 (0)171 594 8517 Email: metric-proj@ic.ac.uk World-Wide-Web: http://metric.ma.ic.ac.uk/ --- The METRIC Project - 26 June 1996.