 Mathematica Computer Manual (companion to Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Seventh Edition)


Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
|  |  |
 First Order Differential Equations | Second Order Differential Equations | Higher Order Linear Differential Equations | Systems of Differential Equations: Phase Plane, Stability | Series Solutions of Differential Equations: Special Functions | Laplace Transforms | Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus | Vector Differential Calculus | Vector Integral Calculus | Integral Theorems | Fourier Series, Integrals, and Transforms | Partial Differential Equations | Complex Numbers: Complex Analytic Functions | Complex Integration | Power Series, Taylor Series, Laurent Series | Residue Integration Method | Conformal Mapping | Complex Analysis Applied to Potential Theory | Numerical Methods in General | Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra | Numerical Methods for Differential Equations | Probability Theory | Mathematical Statistics
 Designed to complement Advanced Engineering Mathematics, but appropriate for use in any advanced course in this subject. Presents a careful selection of approximately 250 worked examples and nearly 800 problems.

