
Organization: | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |

Publisher: | Addison-Wesley |
Additional cataloguing information: | This item is a package containing the four books and Macintosh/NeXT diskettes. Macintosh/NeXT diskettes only: ISBN 0201581531 Windows books/diskette package: ISBN 0201581507 Windows diskettes only: ISBN 0201584611 |
 Book 1: Derivatives: Measuring Growth Book 2: Integrals: Measuring Accumulated Growth Book 3: Approximations: Measuring Nearness Book 4: Vector Calculus: Measuring in Two and Three Dimensions
 Completely interactive courseware package covering the standard calculus course. Contains Mathematica notebooks on diskette and printed material. Appropriate for structured, partly supervised, self-paced, or independent study.
