 Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition


Publisher: | AP Professional |
Additional cataloguing information: | CD-ROM ISBN 0120415518 |
|  |  |
 Introduction to Differential Equations | First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations | Applications of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations | Higher-Order Differential Equations | Applications of Higher-Order Differential Equations | Ordinary Differential Equations with Nonconstant Coefficients | Laplace Transform Methods | Systems ofOrdinary Differential Equations | Applications of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations | Eigenvalue Problems and Fourier Series | Partial Differential Equations | Appendix: Getting Started.
 A perfect introduction for Mathematica beginners that is completely compatible with Mathematica 3.0. This second edition integrates new applications from a variety of fields, especially biology, physics, and engineering. . Contains built-in commands that let the user solve problems directly using graphical solutions. CD-ROM contains all Mathematica inputs from the text.

