 Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition


Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
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 Introduction | Getting Started with Mathematica | Doing Mathematics with Mathematica | Using Mathematica Notebooks | Solutions of Differential Equations | A Qualitative Approach to Differential Equations | Numerical Methods | Features of Mathematica | Qualitative Theory of Second-Order Linear Equations | Series Solutions | Laplace Transforms | Higher-Order Equations and Systems of First-Order Equations | Qualitative Theory for Systems of Differential Equations
 Supplement that can be used in conjunction with most ODE texts. Updated for use with Mathematica Version 3. Attempts to deepen students' understanding of differential equations by giving them a new tool in the form of Mathematica for analysis. Also brings students to a level of expertise with Mathematica that will allow them to use it in other math, engineering, or science courses.

