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CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus Concepts and Contexts

Selwyn Hollis
Organization: Armstrong Atlantic State University
Department: Department of Mathematics
Book information

Publisher: Brooks/Cole
Copyright year: 1998
ISBN: 0534357415
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 262
Out of print?: N
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Mathematica Basics | Vectors | Surfaces | Vector-valued Functions |Multivariate Functions | Multiple Integrals | Vector Calculus | Projects |Appendices

Manual to accompany the Stewart textbook, one that combines the traditionalapproach to learning calculus with many of the innovations of recent years. Shows how Mathematica can help students learn and use calculus. Includes 19 projects, covering a wide range of topics and varying in length anddifficulty, that correspond to the text material.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Calculus
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