 Tutorials for the Biomedical Sciences: Animations, Simulations, and Calculations Using Mathematica


Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
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 Introduction to Mathematica | Introduction to Statistics | Drug Solutions: pH Calculations | Drug Solutions: Buffer Calculations | Drug Solutions: Acid Base Titrations | Drug Solutions: Oxidation and Reduction | HIV: Introduction to Human Immunodeficiency Virus | HIV: Principles of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assays (ELISAs) | HIV: Measurements of HIV Viral Load by Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) | Protein Chemistry: Enzyme Kinetics in the Absence of Inhibitors | Protein Chemistry: Enzyme Kinetics in the Presence of Inhibitors | Protein Chemistry: Smoluchowski Kinetics Applied to Protein Aggregation | Appendix: Nonlinear Fitting of Experimental Data
 Book/diskette package designed to help researchers as well as students achieve a greater comprehension of the basic chemical and physiochemical processes as related to drug action, drug discovery, and biomedical science in general. Uses Mathematica as an instructional tool to display, animate, and calculate various complex physical phenomena in a highly understandable manner.

