 Calculus Projects Using Mathematica, Revised Edition


 Using Mathematica | Reflections on Differentiation | The Mean Value Theorem and the Race Track Problem | The Brightness of Venus | Plotting Curves in Polar Coordinates | Riemann Sums and Approximations of Integrals | Porsche 911 Performance | Computing the Lengths of Elliptical Orbits | Rainbows | Differential Equations | Design of a DC Power Supply | Taylor Polynomials | Series Solutions of Differential Equations | Vector Functions and Parametric Curves | Sliding Beads | Envelopes of Families of Curves | Functions of Several Variables | Constrained Optimization, LaGrange Multipliers | Projectile Motion with Air Resistance | Multiple Integrals | Rolling Bodies | The Wankel Rotary Engine | Parametric Surfaces
 Contains a set of Mathematica projects to accompany a 4-semester calculus program. Designed to facilitate an understanding of the fundamental ideas of calculus and its application to problems in science, mathematics, and engineering.

