 Computer Simulations with Mathematica: Explorations in Complex Physical and Biological Systems

Organization: | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Department: | Department of Material Science and Engineering |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |

Publisher: | TELOS/Springer-Verlag |
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 Random Walks | The Self-Avoiding Walk | Diffusion-Limited Aggregation | Spreading | Percolation Clusters | Ising ModelCellular Automata: Game of Life | Avalanches | Ising (Q2R) Model | Chemical Reactions | Neuron Excitation and Recovery | Traffic | Forest Fires and Reforestation | Complexity
 Demonstrates the use of computer simulation as a research tool in the sciences. Equal emphasis placed on the development of efficient Mathematica programs and on the visualization and numerical analysis of computer simulation results. Includes cross-platform CD-ROM that contains actual multimedia simulations.

