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Introduction to Programming with Mathematica, Second Edition

Richard J. Gaylord
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department: Department of Material Science and Engineering
Samuel N. Kamin
Paul R. Wellin
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Book information

Publisher: TELOS/Springer-Verlag
Copyright year: 1996
ISBN: 0387944346
Medium: Hardcover
Includes: Floppy disk
Pages: 452
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Preliminaries | A Brief Overview of Mathematica | List Manipulation | Functions | Evaluation of Expressions | Conditional Function Definitions | Recursion | Iteration | Numerics | Graphics Programming | Applications | Contexts and Packages

Textbook introducing programming in the Mathematica language. Emphasizes the functional and rule-based styles unique to the Mathematica programming language. Does not assume prior programming or Mathematica experience and can be used for a programming or technical course or for self-study by students and professionals.

*Wolfram Technology > Programming
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