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Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Mathematica

Eugene Don
Organization: Queens College
Department: Mathematics
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Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Copyright year: 2001
ISBN: 007135719X
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 342
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Getting Acquainted | Basic Concepts | Lists | Two-Dimensional Graphics | Three-Dimensional Graphics | Equations | Algebra and Trigonometry | Differential Calculus | Integral Calculus | Multivariate Calculus | Ordinary Differential Equations | Linear Algebra

An introduction to Mathematica, aimed at students, with each chapter focusing on a specific application of Mathematica. As a study guide it supplies a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to understanding the computer program. Numerous solved problems and examples demonstrate and reinforce ideas discussed in each chapter. Mathematica commands with examples are clearly classified according to type. The index of commands and applications expedites referencing.

*Education > College
*Wolfram Technology > Programming