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Discrete Dynamical Systems and Difference Equations with Mathematica

Mustafa R. Kulenovic
Orlando Merino
Organization: University of Rhode Island
Department: Department of Mathematics
URL: http://www.math.uri.edu/~merino/
Book information

Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Copyright year: 2002
ISBN: 1584882875
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 344
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Dynamics of One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems | Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Dynamical Systems | Systems of Difference Equations, Stability, and Semicycles | Invariants and Related Lyapunov Functions | Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Dynamical Systems | Fractals Generated by Iterated Function Systems

This books combines an introductory survey of theory and techniques of discrete dynamical systems and difference equations with a manual for the use of the software package Dynamica. Many applications are presented as exercises and research projects. Dynamica, based on Mathematica, provides an easy-to-use collection of algebraic, numerical, and graphical tools and techniques that allow users to understand essential theoretical concepts quickly. The Dynamica package and notebooks corresponding to particular chapters are available for download from the internet.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Dynamical Systems