| README.txt (2.7 KB) - Plain-text version of README.nb |
| Chapter1(1).m (865.3 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter1(2).m (3.2 MB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter1.nb (28.2 KB) - Introduction |
| Chapter10.nb (756.1 KB) - The Method of Inverse Scattering |
| Chapter2(1).m (1.1 MB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter2(2).m (696.9 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter2.nb (211.9 KB) - First-Order Partial Differential Equations |
| Chapter3(1).m (236.6 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter3(2).m (480 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter3.nb (1.4 MB) - Second-Order Partial Differential Equations |
| Chapter4(1).m (402.6 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(2).m (228.2 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(3).m (492 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(4).m (240.6 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(5).m (297.9 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(6).m (658 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4(7).m (676.1 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter4.nb (131.7 KB) - Separation of Variables and the Sturm-Liouville Problem |
| Chapter5(1).m (127.3 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter5(2).m (34 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter5(3).m (40.8 KB) - Mathematica package |
| Chapter5.nb (27.3 KB) - Series Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations |
| Chapter6.nb (1.9 MB) - Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials |
| Chapter7.nb (294.4 KB) - Transform Methods and Green's Functions |
| Chapter8.nb (654.9 KB) - Integral Representations |
| Chapter9.nb (1.3 MB) - Introduction to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations |
| Errata.tex (8.7 KB) - LaTeX source file |
| LaplaceTransform.m (54.5 KB) - Mathematica package |
| README.nb (9.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook, revision history |
 Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| Chapter1.ma (14 KB) - Introduction |
| Chapter10.ma (532.2 KB) - The Method of Inverse Scattering |
| Chapter2.ma (106.7 KB) - First-Order Partial Differential Equations |
| Chapter3.ma (969.8 KB) - Second-Order Partial Differential Equations |
| Chapter4.ma (68.5 KB) - Separation of Variables and the Sturm-Liouville Problem |
| Chapter5.ma (14.8 KB) - Series Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations |
| Chapter6.ma (1.7 MB) - Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials |
| Chapter7.ma (135.8 KB) - Transform Methods and Green's Functions |
| Chapter8.ma (528.9 KB) - Integral Representations |
| Chapter9.ma (924.1 KB) - Introduction to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations |
| README.ma (6.7 KB) - Mathematica notebook, revision history |