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Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering, with Applications in Mathematica

H. Ted Davis
Kendall T. Thomson
Book information

Publisher: Academic Press
Copyright year: 2000
ISBN: 012206349X
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 547
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Determinants | Vectors and Matrices | Solution of Linear and Nonlinear Systems | General Theory of Solvability of Linear Algebraic Equations | The Eigenproblem | Perfect Matrices | Imperfect or Defective Matrices | Infinite-Dimensional Linear Vector Spaces | Linear Integral Operators in a Hilbert Space | Linear Differential Operators in a Hilbert Space | Appendix

An introduction to both the theory and the practical application of linear algebra and functional analysis designed for advanced engineering and physical science students. The book is self-contained, beginning with elementary principles working up to a treatment of eigenanalysis and the spectral resolution theorem. Contains numerous Mathematica examples with full code and solutions to applications throughout engineering and the physical sciences.

*Mathematics > Algebra > Linear Algebra