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Animating Calculus, Second Edition

Ed Packel
Stan Wagon
Organization: Macalester College
Department: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
URL: http://www.stanwagon.com/
Book information

Publisher: TELOS/Springer-Verlag
Copyright year: 1996
ISBN: 0387947485
Medium: Paperback
Includes: Floppy disk
Pages: 287
Out of print?: N
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Initiation | Plotting | Derivatives: Measuring the Rate of Change | The Race to Infinity | Indeterminate Limits and L'Hopital's Rule | Using Calculus to Land an Airplane | Max-Min Methods: Mind Meets Machine | Staying on Track with Newton's Method | Population Dynamics, Iteration, and Chaos | What is an Integral? | The Fundamental Theorem | The Needle Problem | Integration by Machine | Numerical Integration | Differential Equations and Euler's Method | Probability and Calculus | Roses, Snails and Butterflies | Rolling Wheels | Infinite Series of Constants | Rhythm and Dissonance in the Harmonic Series | Polynomial Approximation and Taylor Series | A Deceptive Definite Integral | Appendix 1: Troubleshooting | Appendix 2: Usage Messages for Animating Calculus Objects

Designed to help students explore calculus and visualize concepts through the use of computation and animation. Can be used for self-study, demonstration, or as a laboratory supplement to an existing calculus sequence. Standard calculus topics as well as new and unusual extensions and applications are presented.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Calculus
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