 Mathematica Laboratory Manual, to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application


 Introduction to Mathematica | Using Mathematica Notebooks | Compound Interest | Limited Population Growth | Rates of Change: Puppy Growth | Radioactive Decay | Raindrops | Accident Reconstruction | Derivatives and Zeros | Newton's Method | The Spread of Epidemics | A Discrete Price Model | Projectile Motion | Trigonometric Functions | Ideal Spring Motion | Pendulum Motion | World Population Growth | Logistic Modeling of Maine Lobsters | Chaotic Dynamics | Area From Sums | The Fundamental Theorem | Inverse Functions | Arterial Pressure | Normal Distributed Data | Periodic Functions | Taylor Polynomials I | Taylor Polynomials II | The p-Series and Improper Integrals
 A supplement that accompanies Calculus: Modeling and Application by David Smith and Lawrence Moore. Contains 28 single variable calculus laboratories whose purpose is to develop an understanding of calculus and an appreciation of the varied and profound applications of the subject. Although designed for Calculus: Modeling and Application, many of the laboratories have been tested with other calculus texts.
