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CalcLabs with Mathematica

Dr. Nancy Blachman
Organization: Variable Symbols, Inc.
URL: http://www.variablesymbols.com
Colin P. Williams
Albert Boggess
David Barrow
Arthur Belmonte
Samia Massoud
Jeffrey Morgan
Maurice Rahe
Michael Stecher
Philip Yasskin
Book information

Publisher: Brooks/Cole
Copyright year: 1996
ISBN: 0534340865
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 245
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Getting Started | Solving and Visualizing Equations | Differentiation | Applications of Differentiation | Graphs | Applied Max/Min | The Definite Integral | Area and Volume | Techniques of Integration | Sequences and Series | Differential Equations | Parameterized Curves and Polar Plots | Programming with Mathematica | Troubleshooting Tips | Laboratories | Projects

Introductory lab manual for first-year calculus courses. Designed to introduce students to Mathematica and to increase conceptual knowledge of calculus and improve problem-solving skills.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Calculus
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