 Algebra: A Computational Introduction


Publisher: | CRC Press (Boca Raton, FL) |
|  |  |
 Congruence | Permutations | Permutation Groups | Linear Groups | Groups | Subgroups | Symmetry Groups | Group Actions | Counting Formulas | Cosets | Sylow Subgroups | Simple Groups | Abelian Groups | Polynomial Rings | Symmetric Polynommials | Roots of Equations | Galois Groups | Quartics | The General Equation of the nth Degree | Solution by Radicals | Ruler-and-Compass Constructions | Appendix: Mathematica Commands | References | Index
 An algebra text for majors who require a strong background in mathematics, written for readers with a solid background in linear algebra. Each chapter builds on previous ones, from permutation groups, then linear groups and finally abstract groups. Mathematica is integrated throughout the book, with numerous exercises and downloads available to provide references for complex problems encountered in the field.
