Mathematica for Microeconomics: Learning by Example
Publisher: | Academic Press |
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Mathematica Overview | Introduction | Consumer Choice and the Lagrangian Multiplier Method | Individual and Market Demand | Compensating and Equivalent Variation | Pure Exchange | Intertemporal Trade | Choice under Uncertainty and Imperfect Information | Cost Minimization | Short-Run and Long-Run Costs | Duality | Multiplant Production | Profit Maximization | Linear Programming | Production and Trade | Market Dynamics | Dynamic Optimization and the Calculus of Variations | Index
This book is intended for use as a supplemental tool for courses in advanced microeconomics and mathematical economics. Cogent applications of the mathematics required to solve problems of microeconomics are presented. An overview of Mathematica is given as well as tools to build individual Mathematica programs for problem solving. In the Consumer Theory section, common problems of consumer optimization are explored. Producer Theory includes methods of transforming variables and manipulating output as well as linear algebra procedures. Economic Dynamics utilizes the more advanced mathematical tools of differential and difference equations and the calculus of variations to study issues ranging from the dynamic adjustments of markets to the optimal amount of inventory held over time.