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Evaluating risk prediction biomarkers via relative utility and test tradeoff curves

Stuart Baker
Organization: National Cancer Institute

This program compares two risk prediction models: Model 1, which is the baseline model and Model 2, which includes additional markers. For table data, the input is a pair of cross-classified tables of risks for disease and no disease. For list data the input is a list of binary indicators of disease and predicted risks for two models. This program outputs ROC curves, relative utility curves, a test tradeoff curve comparing Models 1 and 2, and a risk mapping plot.

References Baker SG, Van Calster B, Steyerberg EW. Evaluating a new marker for risk prediction using the test tradeoff: An update. International Journal of Biostatistics 2012; 8:5. Baker SG. Simple decision-analytic functions of the AUC for ruling out a risk prediction model and an added predictor. Med Decis Making. 2018 Feb;38(2):225-234.

*Mathematics > Probability and Statistics
*Wolfram Technology > Mathematica

Risk prediction, relative utility curves

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