 Climate Change Effects and their Interactions: An Analysis aiming at Policy Implications

Organization: | University of Thessaly |
Department: | Laboratory of Operations Research, Department of Economics |
Organization: | University of Thessaly |
Department: | Department of Economics |

Economic Analysis and Policy |
 In this study we provide a computerized graph structure for synthesizing and displaying the data on a regions ecosystem-economic system. By applying Mathematica-based graph modeling we create a causal network of the synergistic impact mechanism among certain climate related factors. Our computational approach identifies a climate factor that affects most immediately or most strongly the others. Important factors are indicated through the use of graph theoretical tools. Our graph-based approach and its computational aspects allow for factor ranking(s) according to their importance to the network both numerically and visually, for certain settlement types. Our contribution provides quantitative estimates of impacts and adaptation potentials of five potential effects of climate change (migration, flooding-landslides-fire, air and water pollution, human health and energy-water-other resources) which play a substantial role at the synergistic impact mechanism. By using graph vis ualization techniques, the structure of the synergistic impact mechanism is selfevident. Specifically, graph layouts are created to detect i) the causal relationships of the synergistic mechanism under study ii) the most influential factor(s) in the synergistic mechanism and iii) classify the factors roles (based on the degree of their impact) within the coping mechanism. Highlighting graph elements let information for policy implications stand out.

 Graph theory, Node centrality, Mathematica, Climate related factors, Environmental economics computation