 Analytic calculation of the edge components of the angular Fock coefficients

Organization: | Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
Department: | Racah Institute of Physics |

 The present paper constitutes a development of our previous work devoted to calculations of the angular Fock coefficients ψk,p(α,θ). Explicit analytic representations for the edge components ψ (0) k,0 and ψ (k) k,0 with k 8 are derived. The methods developed enable such a calculation for arbitrary k. The single-series representation for subcomponent ψ (2e) 3,0 missed in the author’s previous paper is developed. It is also shown how to express some of the complicated subcomponents through hypergeometric and elementary functions. Using the operator FindSequenceFunction of Wolfram’s Mathematica, simple explicit representations for some complicated mathematical expressions under consideration have been obtained.

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